Recent Updates
March 15th, 2004 One, I've gotten a fair amount of e-mails asking about things like DVDs and tapes. So here's my first FAQ, I guess. Whee! I currently have no idea of any place to buy or get tapes or DVDs or downloads of the show. I have heard whispers of some Casers who are attempting such projects, and I'll be sure to post here if they ever come to fruition, but for right now I don't have any info to give. I don't plan on ever offering downloads myself, I can say right now. Not only can I not afford the space and bandwidth, but it would take me days to upload each episode thanks to the fact that I'm on dial-up. :P Someday I want to make Space Cases DVDs, but that's not going to be any time soon. As for tapes... ... I used to be more than willing to make tapes for people. Unfortunately for the time being I have to decline requests. I find I just have no time to do dubs... it's been taking me weeks to fulfill what requests I get. More importantly, my tape quality is starting to degrade. Not only will this produce poorer dubs, but I haven't even started snapping the second season yet, so I need to keep my tapes looking decent long enough to do that. If things change about this matter, I will let you know, but in the meantime this is all the info I have to share about obtaining episodes. I'm sorry. :( I will say that if anyone out there is willing to try to set up some way to dub tapes for Casers who need them, I'd be willing to lend an ear (and a bit of webspace). And now some happier stuff. This isn't Space Cases related, but I thought you all perhaps might be interested anyway. Have you ever wanted to be a voice in a computer game? Well, now's your chance! A fangame team is looking for voices for minor roles in their game, a fan sequel to a classic fantasy-themed adventure game series. I hope you all will audition. I especially know they're looking for more ladies, and I know the Caser fandom has always had plenty of those! :D You can find more info here: Good luck, and I hope to see (and hear) you soon!
November 14th, 2003 Please join us... the more Casers we can get together, the more fun! As for site news, I'm currently in the middle of giving my site a bit of a redesign. I'm hoping to get it done either this month, or early next. I will have those two new galleries and transcripts I promised up along with the redesign. See you then!
October 2nd, 2003
August 31st, 2003 I also changed the nav buttons, for no particular reason other than the fact that I felt like it. I hope you think they're still cool-looking. As for more substantial updates, I've been working on a non-SC website project that's been sucking up most of my time, but now that it's almost finished I'll be putting up the "On the Road to Find Out" transcript soon. After that, I'll be working on a bit of a surprise for you all that I hope you'll like. See you soon!
August 17th, 2003 Also, I have an announcement and a request to make... The announcment is in regards to a new IRC channel and weekly chat that some Casers are trying to start up. The channel can be found on the IRC server: at port 6669 and the channel is: #rigelianculture The channel is open 24/7, but a time for people to gather weekly has been set at Friday nights, 9PM Eastern Standard Time. If you can, load up your favorite IRC client and come join your fellow Casers in conversation! If you need an IRC client, you can give downloading mIRC a try. The request is in regards to people with tapes of episodes. I've been receiving requests off and on to dub copies of my episodes for people who don't have any of their own. I love to help people out whenever I can, but my resources are limited enough that it ends up taking me a long time to get around to filling all the requests. So I would like to make a request of my own... if there are any Casers out there (preferably from the US or Canada) who have all or most of the episodes on tape and would be willing to trade with other Casers, please send me your name and e-mail so I can pass on your name to anyone whose tape requests I can't handle for some reason. I know it's a lot to ask, but I really could use some help in giving Casers a chance to see the episodes again. And if you are someone who's made a request already for tapes, I will get them out to you eventually, I promise.
July 27th, 2003
That bit of shameless self-promotion aside, I will say that I did add two more Season 1 episodes to the transcripts and galleries. The new sections are: I also added a new Articles section, with HTML-ized versions of some really old essays I wrote for the Space Cases newsgroup. Hopefully you'll find them to be fun reads, and maybe even induce a little nostalgia if you were a Caser way back then. :) Finally, in regards to sending me e-mail, I'd like to say that I do answer every e-mail I get, it just can take me a while sometimes. That's it for now. With any luck, I actually will be able to update the site before yet another year goes by. :P
May 15th, 2002 As you can see, I've given the gallery a major layout change. I've always been somewhat dissatisfied with the site's layout, and now that I've accumulated more HTML, CSS, and web design knowledge over the years, I've been able to come up with something I like better. Not to mention that it's now HTML 4.0 compliant, and should be more "viewable in any browser" also. Hopefully you all think it's an improvement as well. Everything should be working properly, but if you find any problems, let me know. As soon as I finish changing over the rest of the pages on my webspace, I plan on adding a new episode gallery and transcript, as well as another little surprise I have cooked up for you all. I should hopefully get this accomplished by early next month. I'll see you all then! This site was created by Jeysie in May 1998. E-mail: Last site update: March 15th, 2004 |